8 Ways to Boost Your Confidence Minutes Before Your Interview


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You know that confidence is the key to a successful interview. Stephanie Thoma, career coach and author of Confident Introvert, explains: "It's important to feel confident in an interview because confidence is what allows others to believe in you. Even if you have the best skills on paper, you won't in an interview With slumped shoulders, a whispery voice and no ability to express your achievements, you won't be able to connect with your interviewers - or get the job.

Luckily, it doesn't take weeks or even hours to boost your confidence before an interview. Here are eight ways you can feel more confident minutes before a virtual meeting with a potential employer.

1. Talk to yourself in front of the mirror

Before you pick up the phone or walk into an office, look in the mirror and say to yourself, "I can do this. I'm great, and this job is mine." This type of positive self-talk is the kind of encouragement everyone needs before an interview. If you feel silly telling yourself, call a friend or family member to cheer you up. You have to be sure that this is the real job Is for you. But sometimes you have to Comfort zone leave.

2. Remember your past achievements

Take a minute to think about the time when you did your best - when you felt like you could do anything. Even if you feel nervous now, you are that person. Recall this feeling and take it with you into the performance space.

3. Meditate

If you tend to get nervous before an interview, take five minutes to clear your head and focus on your breathing focus . Inhale four times, hold your breath briefly and then exhale four times. This will help you focus and center yourself so that you can appear confident in your interview.

4. Strike a pose

Some people feel more confident when they strike a physical pose of strength - feet wide, back straight, hands on hips, or arms extended wide, like Superman or Wonder Woman. Try it; If you feel more comfortable in this position, adopt it before your interview.

5. For virtual interviews: Be prepared and take a few cheat sheets with you

If your job interview takes place on the computer, you should prepare yourself for success in the minutes before you log in. Test your camera and the lighting conditions, grab a notebook and a glass of water and go to the toilet. Go to your LinkedIn profile or website - or put a printout of your key accomplishments next to you so you can see them easily

6. Focus on gratitude

Before the interview, make a list of the things you are grateful for. Allow yourself to wallow in the feelings that arise. These moments of gratitude will reinforce your bias towards positivity and help you approach your interview with confidence.

7. Visualize a successful interview

Visualization is a powerful tool. Some Studies have shown that visualization has the same effect on the brain as the actual activity. Before your interview, imagine what it would look like if it went smoothly and allow your reality to follow that.

8. Gain perspective

While interviews are important, it's also important to remember that an interview is just a conversation. Remember that on the other side of the desk there is a human being - a living, breathing human being with his own doubts and fears, who has his own story to tell. Take a deep breath and ask yourself, "What can I learn from this conversation?" Then smile and get going!

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