The truth about remote work. Is it right for my company?


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In every industry, buzzwords seem to come and go and change like the wind. No matter what industry you're in, the trends of the day seem to fade as quickly as they emerge. One exception that seems to be taking hold across all industries is the remote work trend.


Since the late 1990s, telecommuting has seen a steady rise in the psyche of employees and employers in almost every part of the world. With 36% of American and 25% of European workers reporting working from home at least once a week, the phenomenon is extremely popular. A habit that has become so popular is clearly on the radar of hiring managers, leaving many wondering whether this arrangement is right for them, too.

Many leaders have a knee-jerk reaction to the prospect of being separated from their subordinates, and many of them with good reason. But without the opportunity to test the waters, leaders will never know how beneficial a remote work arrangement could be. Consider the following points when weighing the benefits of a remote work option for your employees:

  • Their talent pool just became global.  Do you need a developer with hospitality experience? Do you need a human resources manager who has worked in small clinics? Do you need a recruiter who knows the best hairstylists in London? Onboarding employees remotely means your talent pool is not tied to the geographical location of your office. The best employee is the best employee, regardless of where you find them. This mindset allows you to find exactly the right employee the first time, reducing the likelihood of having to fill the position due to poor fit or losing the employee due to a necessary move. Of course, if you find someone who has the exact expertise you're looking for, it will help them perform better in their job in the first place. A real win-win situation.
  • Healthier, happier employees. There are morning grouches, there are night owls, parents have a lot to do, everyone gets sick sometimes - these are all facts that make sticking to a rigid schedule almost impossible for many. Employees who have the freedom to live their lives on demand and work according to the schedule they set are happier and less stressed. Less stress, less susceptibility to illness, and the ability to eat right at home are all factors that lead to healthier remote workers. More than 80% of U.S. workers say they would like to work elsewhere at least part-time. It goes without saying that a remote employee is a happy employee.
  • This is already the case. Half of the workforce already has a job that is compatible with remote work. The vast majority of these workers already take their work home with them. Whether they're answering emails after work, working before work, or taking a call during their commute, most people are already equipped to work remotely thanks to our never-switch-off work style.
  • Better communication is a given. The age-old challenge of communication is a key concern for leaders considering remote workforces. However, the truth is that this is a challenge in any work environment. From casual conversations to important actions that are only mentioned in passing, basic human communication deficiencies are absolutely universal. The good news? Remote work requires impeccable communication between everyone involved. As a rule, this exchange is carried out through programs that are much better at storing information than we are. Services like Slack and Google Docs allow you to track progress, conversations, and comments, and provide feedback with far greater efficiency. When employees are not physically together, they naturally rely more on inbound and outbound communication, which increases the overall efficiency and productivity of projects.
  • You can start small. You don’t have to start with a full remote workforce on day one. Certain employees are better suited to telecommuting than others, and some circumstances may require it. Start by talking to interested employees and understanding their motivations and ideas. Even offering one remote work day per week can make a big difference in employee satisfaction and retention. Additionally, you might consider simply opening the next position you fill to remote applicants. Even if you don't choose one of them, this will give you a comprehensive idea of ​​how many other options you have.
  • That's what people want. Quite simply: Millennials make up more than half of the workforce. And 68% of them say the ability to work remotely would significantly increase their interest in an employer.

Ultimately, the benefits of offering remote work opportunities almost always outweigh the disadvantages. Every company and every task is different. But for millions of workers, remote work can mean a better quality of life, higher productivity and greater job satisfaction. This is a concept that companies cannot ignore. Employees are embracing the remote work culture - shouldn't their companies be too? Learn more about how you can implement telecommuting in your company.

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