Digital nomad visa in the USA


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A digital nomad in the spirit of modern life

The term “digital nomad” has been around for a long time, but only with the Covid-19 pandemic Remote work was more possible than ever, it became a trend. Until the outbreak of the pandemic it was widespread in the IT industry, but now it is possible in more and more countries. Worldwide There are many states that have created special programs for those who want to travel and work remotely at the same time.

There is no specific visa for digital nomads in the US yet, but the US has so many other types of visas and permits for foreign citizens that it is not a problem to live here and for employers around the world or even as to work freelance . We particularly recommend positions in... Software Engineering or Data Science .

Digital Nomad Visa Types in the United States



There are several types of visas that can be considered as a digital nomad visa in the USA. These are:

  • the H visa, which is divided into 3 subcategories and is aimed at people with a university degree;
  • the I visa, which is aimed at people working in the press and media industry;
  • the O visa, which is aimed at talented individuals who excel in various fields and are recognized as highly skilled migrants.

There are also investor visas, which, however, require a significant financial contribution to the economy and are therefore associated with stricter requirements.

The H visa for digital nomads in the USA

In most countries that have established digital nomad visa programs, such visas are issued for a limited period of time, which is why the H visa is the one that most closely resembles these programs. There are 3 subcategories of this visa, namely:

  • the Ha-1-Vishum , which is available to people with a university degree or work experience in various fields (this type of visa is issued for 3 years)
  • the H-2A-Visum , which is issued to seasonal and temporary agricultural workers and is valid for a maximum of one year;
  • the H-2B-Visum for non-agricultural activities, which is also issued for a maximum of one year;
  • the Ha-௩-throws for people interested in training activities (there are a few areas for which such a visa is not available).

There are certain conditions that must be met by both the applicant (who must have a university degree in the field in which he wants to work) and the employer, who must prove that there is a shortage of such professionals in the US market . The H-3 visa cannot be applied for by people who work in the medical field or require special training.

How many foreigners live in the United States?

The USA is one of the most sought-after countries for foreign citizens to immigrate to, and the number of foreigners who have settled here in recent years is impressive. According to data from 44.9 million immigrants lived here in 2019. Aside from that:

  • In the same year, the immigrant population accounted for 13.7% of the country's total population;
  • Between 2018 and 2019, 204,000 foreign citizens immigrated to the United States, an increase of 0.5%;
  • Mexicans make up the largest expat community in the United States - 24% of immigrants are of Mexican descent.

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