7 Skills to Become a Backend Developer


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A Backend developer is responsible for writing backend codes and communicating when the user triggers a specific action. Today they are the backbone of web development and are in high demand in many companies. Whatever you do in your application, the backend is responsible for it as it works behind the scenes. The integrations, the logic, the APIs - the backend developers take care of all of this. That's why they are the foundation of web development.

It is trendy and is considered one of the most sought-after jobs . However, you have to know yourself and know whether you like such jobs. But first, you need to understand the basics of backend development. A successful path in backend development begins with the basis itself, i.e. with in-depth knowledge of programming languages, and continues with application in real projects. Furthermore, it is not mandatory that every backend developer has to follow the same strategy. Certain skills will define your career in backend development, and these are the basic ones. So today we will discuss the 7 most important skills you need to become a successful backend developer.

Since we just talked about how important the role of a backend developer is, now it's time to briefly learn about this role before we dive into the skills required.

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Backend developer

A Backend developer is responsible for writing the backend code of a website and how it communicates when the user triggers a specific action. They also take care of the entire wireframe of the website, its architecture, coding, scripting and database accessibility. In addition, they are also responsible for debugging and testing the backend applications.

Before you move forward, you should make sure you are aware of the following things:

  • Working on the Internet
  • How does the browser work?
  • Basic OS knowledge

If Backend developer You also need to understand the basic function of the Internet and how it works and connects to the server. Also, you should have a little knowledge of operating systems (I/O, networks, terminal, etc.) so that you can work smoothly.

1. Back-end programming language

In the area of ​​development, language is the basis and for this you have to have a good command of languages. So a backend developer will create a solid framework and its connectivity through servers. The desired results and functions will only work if you master the backend programming language. There are three major languages ​​used by major IT companies: Java, Python and PHP.

Those: ptc.com

Java: It is one of the most robust programming languages ​​used by many big tech companies (Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc.) who use Java for its portability and extreme performance. Today it is used to create applications and dynamic websites with high functionality.
Python: Python is used to automate tasks, perform data analysis, create websites, and more. It also supports different programming styles like functions, object-oriented, etc.
PHP: This is also one of the most used languages ​​among today's developers. PHP is used for more than 80% of websites today and is a useful language for the backend as it automates the task and makes the developers' work easier.

2. Knowledge of front-end technology

Now that you have acquired the basic knowledge of backend programming languages, it is your turn to delve into the basic frontend languages. Although it is not mandatory to be proficient, basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript is required for this role. A programmer must be able to give computers instructions on how to communicate and apply various algorithms. You need to know the basic languages ​​if you want to get a perfect result through coding.

A backend developer must be proficient and have in-depth knowledge of Jscript as it is the basis for front-end development. When working on the backend, languages ​​such as JavaScript, CSS and HTML serve as a support when writing code. JavaScript helps in adding elements and animations on a web page that provides a pleasing view for the users, while CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) provides a style, colors and layout and HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the only one of the website, just like humans have the skeleton, websites also have, known as HTML.

3. Knowledge of backend frameworks

Once you've decided on the language you want to work with, you'll also need to brush up on your knowledge of the framework. The framework is the backbone of a language for a program/application you are working on. There are certain frameworks you can work with as a backend developer.

Those: mindinventory.com

  • NodeJs: It is a free, open-source platform designed to support the backend coding of an application. It is based on JavaScript and is one of the oldest and most popular frameworks around. NodeJs is cross-platform and compatible with Windows, Linux, MacOs, etc.
  • ExpressJs: It is another framework built on top of NodeJs. It is highly appreciated by backend developers due to its speed and deliverability. ExpressJs is used for building APIs and is considered one of the best options for building mobile and web applications.
  • Django: Compatible with Python, Django is a free, open-source platform that has become highly valued and popular among developers. The best thing about Django is that it requires less code and performance to enable fast app development.

4. Version control system

It is also known as version control and is responsible for any changes that need to be made from time to time. The version control system tracks every single change to the code in another database. This is especially helpful when a developer makes a mistake and wants to undo it, and it helps protect the source code from such incidents. These are some of the most popular version control systems for backend developers:

  • AWS Code Commit: It is another version of the control system hosted by Amazon. With this system, a user can easily store and manage data along with the source code. It is a highly secure platform managed by a Git repository.
  • GitHub : Founded in 2007, is an open source community designed to support developers. Because it is available via the cloud, anyone can view the code from anywhere, and developers can collaborate and contribute as they wish. With the help of this community, anyone, anywhere can provide help to those who need it, and due to its popularity, millions of users are connected to this platform today.
  • GitLab : It allows users to collaborate and complete all tasks on a single platform. In this way, the time frame is shortened and productivity is increased. In other words, it enables teams to develop perfect software using a single communication channel.

5. Knowledge of databases

When you are working on a project, you must understand that storing data is very important because it contains a large amount of information. Therefore, mastering the database is a must. The backend developer is responsible for creating a relational mapping so that the data can be retrieved on demand. To handle DBMS, developers use MySQL, SQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, etc.

6. Knowledge of API

Those: cleveroad.com

The application programming interface or API is responsible for establishing connections between different applications. Let's take an example: You order an item from Alibaba through the mobile application, so you connect to Alibaba's API. Backend developers use these APIs to create connections between different applications and improve user experience. The most popular APIs among developers are JSON, SOAP, REST, GSON, etc.

7. Server processing

Since backend developers are responsible for carrying out all the actions behind the scenes, mastering how to use the server is a must. A server is a cloud system that provides all useful information and provides services such as file storage, database and security to other systems connected to that network. The data stored on the server is responsible for the recovery, rearrangement and storage of information. Some of the best tools for dealing with servers are Docker, Kubernetes, etc.

8. Backend Developer Income Chart

The average income of a backend developer varies from country to country and is roughly estimated to be around USD 110,000 annually (USA) and INR 6,50,000 (India). However, this can vary depending on expertise and skills and the company. If you compare between front-end and back-end, then of course the pay in back-end is higher than in front-end because the logic is set in the back-end and the structure of an app is built only by the back-end team becomes. If you still want to know how best to find a suitable position, this will help you this post further.

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