Skills every backend developer should master


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Backend developer are in incredible demand - companies like Google and Apple are desperately looking for them, and they are paid handsomely. However, if you are new to the field and want to learn about backend development, it can be difficult to know where to start. However, it's worth it as they might in the future Remote want to work.

A successful career in backend development requires knowledge of Programming languages , algorithms and a variety of programming tools. Not every backend web development career requires the same skills, but there are some skills you should be at least somewhat familiar with. There are also some basics that you should definitely know, no matter what you do.

Here are our top ten skills you need to become a backend developer, whether you want to pursue this profession full-time or just take your first steps.

Note: If you want to learn all these backend skills from industry experts and also get one-on-one assistance to get a job, you should check out the BloomTech Backend Development course.

If you want to acquire new backend skills or expand your existing skills, Skillshare is suitable for you. Please click here to access Skillshare's learning platform and gain new insights into a wide variety of topics.

1. Backend programming languages

To be a good backend developer you need to speak the language, and when it comes to programming, language is everything.


Using programming languages, developers communicate with computers to execute instructions and implement algorithms. Many of the results you see as Backend developer achieve results come from the use of a language, and there are several languages ​​one should learn. Three of the most common are Java, Python and PHP.


Java is a general-purpose programming language used by backend developers for application development and forms the basis of the Bloom Institute of Technology (formerly known as Lambda School) backend development program. It is one of the most important programming languages ​​to master as a backend developer. It is the basis for the backends of companies like Amazon, Uber and Netflix.

Java can be used to create complete applications that can run on a single computer or be distributed across servers and clients on a network. It can also be used to create small application modules for web pages. Java automates garbage collection and memory management and allows users to safely modify a program while it is running.

Java is a portable, powerful language specifically used for object-oriented programming. Their syntax is easy to learn. It is also highly scalable.


Python is another important language for backend developers, one of the reasons it's so popular is because it's relatively easy to use and read. The simplicity of Python syntax makes it easier to work with complicated systems and facilitates communication between different developers working on the same project. Python also supports a variety of programming styles, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional styles, making it one of the most versatile backend languages. Python also offers exceptional data visualizations that provide users with clear and easy-to-understand reports. Like Java, the syntax is easy to learn.



PHP is used by 79% of all websites, their server-side programming is known to us. Unlike Python and Java, PHP (or Hypertext Preprocessor) is a scripting language that can automate tasks for developers. PHP interprets programming instructions (among other things) to automate routine processes and improve the performance of an application.

As a backend developer, you should be proficient in multiple languages ​​and be proficient in at least one of them. We chose to base our backend development program on Java because Java is the most commonly used backend language for large enterprise-wide projects.

2. Knowledge of common frameworks

Once you choose a language, you need to familiarize yourself with the frameworks associated with that language. A web framework is designed to support the development of a web application. It essentially provides a foundation upon which backend developers can build specific programs in the language of their choice.


If your preferred language is Java, you could use Spring or Micronaut.  If your preferred language is Python, you could use Django or Flask as a framework.

3. Data structures and algorithms

Backend development is data-driven, and as a backend developer you should have a basic understanding of the processes, structures and algorithms used to implement and display this data. These include linear and binary search, hashcode implementations, data sorting, stacks, queues and lists.

4. Databases and cache

Adjacent to the data structures are the database management systems. Databases are used by websites to store and organize large amounts of information, and database management systems (or DBMSs) are used by developers to exploit this information.

Some common database management systems that backend developers should be familiar with are:

  • PostgreSQL
  • Oracle
  • AWS DynamoDB

All these tools are used for managing large amounts of data, and they also use cache for individual users' small data. persons

5. HTML, CSS und JavaScript


HTML, CSS und JavaScript are important basic languages ​​for front-end development. Even though you might think that these languages ​​are unimportant for backend developers, they are very useful for the backend.

HTML (or Hypertext Markup Language) is essentially the skeleton of a website: everything you see on the front end is made possible by the HTML structure.

CSS (or Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language used to describe the appearance of a document written in HTML. CSS deals with things like colors, layouts, and fonts of a website.

JavaScript gives a website its interactive and animated elements. It works with HTML and CSS to provide users with a responsive experience on the front end of a website.

Do you want to learn the basics of programming? Our free HTML and CSS course will give you the fundamentals you need for a career as a programmer.

6. Familiarity with servers

Backend development is server-side development, which makes knowledge of servers quite important. A server is a computer or system that provides data, resources and services such as file storage, security and databases to other computers or clients over a network. Some of the most popular servers are Apache, NGINX and Microsoft. Most of these servers support Linux operating systems, so knowing the basics of Linux is also very helpful.

7. Knowledge of APIs

APIs have become an increasingly important aspect of backend development. An API (or application programming interface) is an interface that allows different applications to communicate with each other. If you e.g. For example, if you order something from Amazon using your phone, you connect to Amazon via an API. APIs play an important role in the development of server-side architectures, sometimes replacing more complex and complicated programming to allow software to communicate.


8. Version control and version control systems

Version control is an important component of backend development because it allows you to track changes made to a website, computer program, or document over time. This is why knowledge of a version control system like Git is helpful. With a version control system, you can easily access, edit, and restore code.

All of our courses, including our backend development program, are based on practical learning. Learners use professional tools such as Git for version control, so they are ready to work and contribute from day one of their new job.

9. Problem solving

Backend development can be challenging, and that makes it an ideal career path for people who enjoy solving problems. In many ways, a backend developer can be viewed as a problem solver for a website, so curiosity and a passion for solving problems are important skills to have when starting out.

10. Good communication and interpersonal skills

Even though there is the opportunity to work independently in backend web development, it is still important to develop strong soft skills such as good communication skills and the ability to work in a team.

Backend development often requires close collaboration with frontend developers as well as an entire team of employees to ensure a website is fully functional, which is why good communication skills are important.

Learners put all of these skills into practice across all BloomTech programs. You tackle real problems, create real projects for real customers, and work in teams. The technical and professional skills they apply in practice, including communication and collaboration, make them good candidates for technical jobs such as backend developer and backend engineer.

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