C# and its job market


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Of all the programming languages, C# is perhaps one of the best. This multi-paradigm language is versatile, relatively easy to learn, and object-oriented. Because there are so many different programming languages ​​to choose from, we wanted to give you an introduction to C# so you can decide if C# is the right language for you and your next project.

What is C#?

C# is a modern, general-purpose programming language that can be used for a variety of tasks and goals spanning a variety of professions. C# is primarily used on the Windows .NET framework, but can also be used on an open source platform. This extremely versatile programming language is an object-oriented programming language (OOP) - which isn't very common - and it's still relatively new, but already a reliable crowd-pleaser.

History and recognition

Compared to long-established languages ​​such as Python and PHP, C# is a young member of the programming family at almost twenty years old. The language was developed in 2000 by Microsoft's Anders Hejlsberg, a Danish software engineer with a history of popular creations. Anders has been involved in the development of a handful of reliable programming tools and languages, including Microsoft's TypeScript and Delphi, a suitable replacement for Turbo Pascal.

As of February 2019, C# is ranked #4 on the PYPL Popularity of Programming Language Index, just behind Java and JavaScript. The data used to create this index is based on how often people search Google for a tutorial on different programming languages.

In recent years, C# has also consistently ranked among the top ten programming languages ​​in the TIOBE Index, a report that draws its data from a compilation of popular search engines such as Google, YouTube and Bing.

Remarkable facts

C# was originally called COOL, a clever acronym that stood for "C-like Object Oriented Language." Unfortunately, Microsoft couldn't keep the funny name for trademark reasons.
C# was originally intended to compete with Java. Judging by the rapid rise in popularity and positive response from both new and experienced developers, it is safe to say that this goal has been achieved.

Who is C# suitable for?

C# can be used by both beginners and experienced developers, and by people with a wide range of skills. To learn C#, it's best to have at least a basic understanding of writing code, even if you haven't yet created your first program or application.

The learning curve for C# is relatively low compared to more complex languages ​​like Java, although it's not quite as easy to learn as Python, the ultimate programming language for those brand new to the field.

C# is a good choice for developers with intermediate to advanced code writing experience. Although experts attest that the language is of medium complexity, they agree that it is quite easy to learn and that you are well versed in it. Once you're introduced to C# and put in the time to get the hang of it, you can expect to go from beginner to expert quickly.

That's because C# is a high-level language, meaning it's relatively easy to read and write, making it a solid choice for beginners and a practical option for experts. Aside from readability, C# can also be used to automate complex tasks that require a lot of time to achieve small results.
This programming language is also statistically typed, which means that errors are detected before the application goes live. This makes it much easier to spot small errors in your stack that would otherwise be barely noticeable - not to mention incredibly annoying.

Although C# can perform well in the hands of all types of programmers, a large portion of the language's user base consists of those passionate about the Microsoft platform.

What is C# used for?

Like other general-purpose programming languages, C# can be used to create a variety of programs and applications: mobile applications, desktop applications, cloud-based services, websites, enterprise software and games. Lots and lots of games. Although C# is remarkably versatile, there are three areas in which it is most commonly used.

Website development

C# is widely used for developing professional, dynamic websites on the .NET platform or open source software. But even if you're not a fan of Microsoft architecture, you can create a fully functional website using C#. Because this language is object-oriented, it is often used to develop websites that are incredibly efficient, easily scalable, and easy to maintain.

Windows applications

C# was developed by Microsoft for Microsoft. So, it is easy to understand why it is most commonly used for developing Windows desktop applications. C# applications require the Windows .NET framework to function optimally. So, the main use case for this language is the development of applications and programs that are specifically tailored to the architecture of the Microsoft platform.


Are you interested in developing games? C# could be one of the best programming languages ​​for games. This language is often used for the development of popular games such as Rimworld on the Unity game engine.

In case you didn't know, Unity is by far the most popular game engine on the market, creating more than a third of the best and most played games in the industry. C# integrates seamlessly with the Unity engine and can be used on virtually any modern mobile device or console thanks to cross-platform technologies like Xamarin.

Below are a handful of programs and applications written in C# that demonstrate the language's diversity and reliability:

  • Windows-Installationsprogramm XML
  • Microsoft Visual Studio
  • Paint.NET
  • Open Dental
  • KeePass
  • FlashDevelop
  • Banshee
  • NMath
  • Surface
  • OpenRA

Advantages of C#

C# offers a wealth of different benefits to both new and experienced programmers. Below we have listed our top five benefits.

C# can save you time

Perhaps the biggest benefit is the time savings you can achieve by using C# instead of another programming language. Because C# is statically typed and easy to read, users spend less time searching their scripts for tiny errors that disrupt the application's functionality.

C# also places a strong emphasis on simplicity and efficiency, allowing programmers to spend less time writing complicated stacks of code that are reused throughout a project. Add to that extensive storage, and you have a time-saving language that makes it easy to save man hours and meet tight deadlines without having to drink that third cup of coffee at 2:00 a.m.

The learning curve is low

In addition to the time you can save on project development, you also have to spend less time learning C# than the more difficult programming languages. Thanks to its simplicity and user-friendly features, C#'s learning curve is relatively low for beginners.

This language is great for getting started and offers aspiring developers a convenient way to learn programming without becoming discouraged and overwhelmed.

A scalable language that is easy to maintain

C# is a programming language that is remarkably scalable and easy to maintain. Because of the strict way static code must be written, C# programs are reliably consistent, making them much easier to customize and maintain than programs written using other languages.

If you ever need to go back to an old project written in C#, you'll be happy to find that while your processes have changed over the years, your C# stack has largely remained the same. There is a place for everything and everything is in its place.

There is a big community - very big

In the world of programming, the importance of a supportive community that you can rely on cannot be overstated. Programming languages ​​are not a platform or service with its own hotline or convenient IT support. Programmers must rely on support from other professionals who have experienced the same problems and frustrations.

One such community of helpful programming experts can be found on StackOverflow. Since this Q&A site was built in C#, it's no surprise that C# developers make up a large part of the community where you can ask questions, provide answers, brainstorm, or vent.

If you prefer to collaborate with like-minded people face-to-face, there is also an extensive C# community on Meetup.com, where members can participate in discussions both online and in real life, scheduled at random or on a regular basis.

C# is object-oriented

C# is completely object-oriented, which is a rare feature for a programming language. Many of the most common languages ​​are object-oriented to some degree, but very few have reached the scale of C# without losing favor with people.

Object-oriented programming (or OOP) has many advantages, such as efficiency and flexibility, to name a few. Some developers unfamiliar with OOP may be a little hesitant about choosing a new language with so much emphasis on it, but don't worry: understanding object-oriented programming isn't all that difficult.

Why you should learn C#

No doubt you've found programming languages ​​that offer their own advantages, perhaps even some of the advantages of C#. There are comparable languages, such as Python, that also offer simplicity and other advantages. Why should you learn C# and not another language?

C# offers many career opportunities

As indie game development continues to grow and more websites are built on the ASP.NET framework, experts predict that there will be no shortage of career opportunities for C#-savvy developers. Whether you want to design websites, build desktop applications, or develop addictive games, you won't have trouble finding the perfect job that lists C# as a requirement for the position.

The future looks bright

With growing interest in learning C# and a foundation deeply rooted in the Microsoft platform, the future looks bright for this programming language. Given its popularity, versatility, and existing creations, it's safe to assume that Microsoft will continually strive to keep the language up to date.

C# is a lovely language

According to a recent Stack Overflow survey, programmers agree that C# is one of the most popular programming languages ​​- right behind Python. So if you're tired of dealing with more complicated languages ​​or have concerns about committing to a job in programming, consider switching and focusing on C# for a more satisfying process.

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