How to Find a Lawyer Job from Home


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In today's legal industry and modern professional workplaces in general Jobs in high demand for lawyers working from home.

Be it from a desire for a better work-life balance or an unexpected need to work remotely, today's workers and job seekers are increasingly craving a break from the usual nine-to-five office culture, according to a recent study According to Global Talent Trends research, 51% of employees want their company to offer more flexible work options, while one bank says 80% of its full-time employees could transition to hybrid remote work in the long term.

The COVID-19 crisis has accelerated this growing demand for flexibility and changed the way every law firm operates, even as vaccines are gradually distributed. In many cases, the situation is forcing lawyers and law firms to work from home for the foreseeable future. Even if a state classifies lawyers as an essential service, many lawyers will continue to work remotely to protect their clients, families and colleagues. Meanwhile, legal professionals looking for jobs are looking for work-from-home lawyer jobs.

If you are looking for a remote job for a Attorney this post will show you what types of jobs are suitable for you, where to find them and how you can be successful.

In the video we give you an insight into remote work as a lawyer.


We are the experts when it comes to remote and hybrid jobs in the DACH region. Regardless of the industry or profession, you will find any job you are looking for with us.

Find remote jobs as a lawyer with us

What does the everyday life of a remote lawyer look like?

Being a lawyer is not easy in itself, but working remotely as a lawyer is definitely difficult. In this video you'll see how Brittany Tran goes about her day.

Lawyer Jobs You Can Do From Home

As a lawyer, you have done more than just serve clients over the years. They have developed sophisticated know-how. Practicing law is essentially a masterclass in writing, risk assessment and client management. These skills can be used in many legal careers and even in a non-legal role. And there are many positions that offer you the flexibility to work from home.

A quick look at job boards like Indeed shows that there are many listings for full-time jobs for lawyers who work from home. With your legal education, professional experience, and well-honed skills, there are many work-from-home lawyer jobs available to you:


With today's technology and telecommuting opportunities, there are many jobs for Lawyers to discover from home. More and more law firms are hiring job seekers for positions that allow the lawyer to work from home. However, you can also set up your own law firm and practice on your own.

Freelance lawyer

There are numerous online services that connect freelance lawyers with law firms and other lawyers - and many of these offers can also be undertaken remotely or even on a part-time basis. This can be a good option if you are looking for additional flexibility.


Legal author

While you may not automatically consider yourself a writer, you have honed your craft through all the legal documents, contracts, and briefs you have written. Interesting teletyping jobs for lawyers might include writing online content (contributing your legal expertise to blogs or other website publications) or writing analyzes and summaries of case law.

In-house lawyers

Our partners have probably advertised several positions for in-house lawyers who work from home. Companies may offer remote, part-time, or contract positions for in-house legal support. This depends on the level of flexibility and the needs of the company.

Examiner of documents

Even if this isn't your full-time job, reviewing contracts and other documents could be a realistic way to fill an employment gap. Continue to learn new case law in your area of ​​expertise to stay abreast of the law and its changes. You can resume your career as a lawyer at any time.

Non-legal work from home

Finally, look beyond your legal experience! There are numerous remote lawyer jobs where your previous experience or hobbies and your legal expertise may overlap. Remote work positions in areas such as project management, recruiting, content writing and coaching could be a good option.  For more examples, see our list of alternative careers for lawyers.

Whatever route you take, when looking for full-time work from home opportunities, make sure you prioritize positions with flexible options - and negotiate your work from home clearly from the start.

Where to find lawyer work from home jobs

If you want to find meaningful work as a lawyer that you can do from home, you first need to know where to look. Job seekers often start by reaching out to their personal and professional networks. Make sure your contacts know you're looking for a work from home opportunity and maybe someone will help you find your next great opportunity.

Additionally, you will likely start your search with online job advertisements.

The following job boards (both legal and non-legal) are good places to start your search:


Lawclerk is an online platform that supports freelance lawyers. Freelance lawyers can apply for legal projects with a flat fee and be recruited by lawyers. Clio's LAWCLERK integration makes it easier and more efficient for Clio lawyers to work with freelance lawyers.


Hire an Esquire

Hire an Esquire , another Clio integration partner, is a technology-enabled legal staffing platform that connects law firms with a select network of on-demand vetted lawyers. Hire an Esquire specializes in temporary, temporary and permanent positions, offering opportunities in areas such as overflow work, local legal advice, legal area coverage and more.


This online legal staffing platform connects freelance lawyers with law firms and corporate legal departments, offering hourly and project-based freelance jobs tailored to your specific skills. Legably, which integrates with Clio, also rewards your work - the more projects you complete, the more your value on the platform increases and the more work opportunities open up.

On the other side

On the other side focuses on automating and improving high-volume legal processes and helping lawyers who specialize in specific legal documents and contract types find remote jobs. Ontra is currently looking for lawyers with experience in corporate law and large international law firms.


Work nomads

With digital and remote jobs in the legal field (as well as other jobs that lawyers can do from home or part-time, such as writing and consulting), Working Nomads makes it easy to find work from home opportunities Find ones that match your diverse skills. work for home attorney jobs.

Your personal network

Personal contacts can be the key to finding a job. Leverage your network by reaching out to people you know. This might mean reaching out directly to old friends and colleagues, or using a networking site like LinkedIn or Facebook for help. Additionally, it is a good idea to work for a cloud-based law firm as they have the infrastructure to support employees working from home. We especially recommend LinkedIn.


How to Get a Lawyer Job from Home

The path to a successful job as a lawyer working from home may be a little different than what you're used to, from firm to firm and company to company. Below are some tips to make the process a little easier:

Update your LinkedIn profile

If you are looking for a full-time position, hiring managers will definitely be looking for you. Before you start looking for online lawyer jobs, use these tips to ensure your LinkedIn profile is professional and up-to-date.

Show your technical know-how

If you are a remote lawyer, it is important to demonstrate that you are familiar with current legal technology tools and the best security practices. This shows HR managers that you don't need extensive training to learn how to use the technology required to work from home, which is a huge advantage for any law firm or organization.

For example, cloud-based practice management software like Clio Manage can make it easier to work with legal documents, organize, and manage cases from anywhere. Lawyers also use Clio Grow's client intake and CRM software to easily and securely connect with clients remotely.

Stay flexible

We are living in unprecedented times and the way you conduct yourself in difficult circumstances shows your professionalism. Your ability to solve problems in less than ideal situations is a huge plus at any time, but even more so now. Whatever your (or your potential new employer's) reason for working remotely, be in the here and now, be flexible, and show that you can adapt to things like changing schedules throughout the process.

Be camera ready

Part of the recruitment process for home-based legal positions may include an interview - and this can take place via video. Video interviews are obviously a little different than in-person interviews, but there are still some best practices you should keep in mind.

Put your best foot forward on camera by dressing well, clarifying your background, and ensuring good sound quality. For more tips on preparing for professional video meetings, check out our guide to working as a distance learning lawyer.

Be yourself

In a remote environment, it is more difficult to make contacts with the company. You won't be invited to an interview in person, and you won't meet new team members in person once you get the job. Stay professional, but don't be afraid to show your personality and connect with the people you're talking to.


And of course, you should make sure everyone involved is clear about the expectations and regulations for working from home. Once you get the job, check out the best tips for working remotely as a lawyer to ensure maximum productivity and a good work-life balance when working from home.

Working from Home as a Lawyer: Best Practices

After being offered various remote attorney jobs and then accepting the position that most excites you, you may be wondering how remote work really differs from working in a law firm's offices. The truth is that you need to make some adjustments.

When you work from home full-time, your employers place more trust in you and give you more responsibility. Regardless of the nature of your job, you will be expected to manage your time effectively while maintaining a high level of work. Sometimes this additional responsibility can seem daunting, especially if you work alone and have no one to bounce your ideas off of or to help you if the printer isn't working.

Fortunately, most of these problems can be overcome thanks to a combination of technological advances and proper preparation, which we'll now break down for you:

Find a place that avoids distractions

The biggest challenge when adjusting to a remote workplace can be foregoing the comforts of home. It can be difficult to conduct a thorough document review when the TV is on in the background. Find a comfortable place and treat it with the same respect you would treat your office space. This will help you concentrate and carry out any activity productively.

Make yourself available

No matter whether you are in the city of Zurich, Berlin or Salzburg, when working remotely it is essential that you are present for your customers and employees. If you're hoping that being away from headquarters will mean fewer meetings, you'll be disappointed to find out they're moving to Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

People still want your feedback, expertise and up-to-date information on projects. Just because you work in isolation doesn't mean you can isolate yourself from your team. Constant communication is the key to a successful and happy team.

Don't be afraid to get involved

When you start a new job working from home, you might think that it will be harder to impress your employer with your work ethic and attitude, but that's not true. You just have to show your enthusiasm in different ways. Get involved by regularly updating your partner or manager on your progress, actively participate in team or company discussions on instant messaging platforms, and participate in upcoming virtual team building activities.

Establish a routine

It doesn't matter whether you work part-time or full-time, if you don't create a work schedule, you'll have a hard time staying motivated and productive when the days start to blur together. So that you don't lose track, you should set up a fixed routine that includes breaks, lunch and exercise. This will help you stay fresh and prevent errors from creeping into your work.

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