Your key to success: 4 advantages of remote work


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The pandemic has significantly changed the way people think about their daily work.

Today, we use technology to communicate with each other, improve time management and achieve better work results. This integration of technology, innovation and work flexibility has led to a more engaged workforce and greater value for the organization. The company led.

Advantages of remote working

There are many benefits worth mentioning when it comes to remote work.

One of the most important is the positive feeling associated with daily work. Interactions are more valuable and engagement increases as people feel more connected to their company and are more committed.

Better use of the Working hours gives us the opportunity to achieve a better work-life balance.

Higher productivity

Remote employees consistently perform better and meet their goals, master new processes and support the company culture.

According to a two-year study by the Stanford University at a Chinese travel agency listed on the NASDAQ with 16,000 employees, remote employees are on average:

  • 13.5 % more productive than traditional Office worker .
  • 9 % more commitment to their work.
  • Remote employees also reported higher job satisfaction and lower staff turnover.

A different workforce

Since the pandemic, the way we value work as part of our lives has changed significantly. This has created a younger and radically different workforce.

Remote workers value more time and space to balance their personal and professional lives. They can travel, relocate, take care of their families, spend time on hobbies and pursue other non-work related leisure activities.

This may seem counterintuitive, and more often than not, a remote worker is seen as someone who just sits in their pajamas and focuses on their computer, but in reality, remote work requires focus, autonomy, motivation and productivity.

Better salary

By hiring Remote employees companies can draw on a much broader pool of top talent.

With this unique opportunity in the labor market, there are no geographical barriers, which means that an employee in Mexico can work for companies in the United States and Canada can work without leaving their place of residence and earn a better salary.

Better paid employees who can work remotely create more opportunities to change the company culture and move it towards a more inclusive, collaborative and technologically connected culture.

Flexibility of work

Remote jobs are not limited to traditional working hours in some cases. Someone from your creative workforce can be invaluable for their outstanding role in an organization's projects without the need for a set schedule.

This model of collaboration allows companies to reduce downtime while encouraging employees to be more autonomous in their priorities and workflows.

Technology also offers remote teams more opportunities to connect, contribute and collaborate.

Thanks to the expansion of technology in the area of digital Communication can Virtual Teams collaborate and share information more easily. Tools like Skype, Slack, Zoom, Dropbox and even Google Drive make virtual collaboration easier for any remote team, allowing them to learn and manage their workflows at their own pace.

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