Requirement to become a lawyer in Germany


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In Germany, the following requirements must be met in order to work as a lawyer:

  • Legal studies: The first requirement is a completed legal degree Studies at a German one Universität or an equivalent foreign university. The course usually lasts 9 to 10 semesters and ends with the first state examination in law.
  • Second state legal examination: After studying, prospective lawyers must take the second state legal examination, which consists of a practical and a written part. The practical part consists of a two-year traineeship, which is usually completed at courts, public prosecutors or law firms. The written part consists of a written exam.
  • Admission to Advocacy : After successfully completing the second state examination, prospective lawyers must apply to the bar association responsible for their location for admission to the bar. To do this, they must, among other things, provide proof of completion of their studies and their traineeship as well as a clearance certificate.
  • Continuing education: After being admitted to the bar, lawyers must regularly attend continuing education courses to keep their knowledge and skills up to date.

Please note that the exact requirements may vary depending on the federal state and individual situation.

How does a bar exam work in Germany?

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In Germany there is no special bar exam that you have to pass in order to work as a lawyer. Instead, prospective lawyers must complete the second state law examination in order to be admitted to the bar. The second state legal examination consists of a practical and a written part.

The practical part of the second state examination is the traineeship, which usually lasts two years and is completed at courts, public prosecutors or law firms. During the traineeship, trainees have to gain various practical experiences, such as taking part in court hearings or processing files.

The written part of the second state examination consists of a written exam that usually lasts three days and consists of various tasks, each of which covers a specific legal matter. The written examination is administered by the state judicial examination offices.

In order to successfully pass the second state legal examination, trainees must be able to demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of German law. This particularly includes a broad understanding of the various areas of law such as civil law, criminal law, administrative law and labor law.

After successfully completing the second state examination, prospective lawyers must apply to the bar association responsible for their location for admission to the bar and submit the necessary evidence.

How does a career as a lawyer work in Germany?

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The career of a lawyer in Germany can vary greatly depending on personal achievements and specialization. In principle, however, there are a few typical stages that most lawyers go through on their career path.

  • Career entry: After completing the second state law examination and successfully being admitted to the bar, your career as a lawyer begins. Most lawyers begin their careers in a law firm as an employed lawyer or as a trainee.
  • Promotion to partner: If a lawyer works successfully in a law firm and acquires enough clients, he/she can be made partner and thus become a partner in the law firm. In this position, the lawyer has more responsibility and often has a say in important decisions.
  • Specialization: Many lawyers specialize in a specific area of ​​law over the course of their careers, such as labor law, family law or tax law. By specializing, a lawyer can build their expertise and reputation in their field.
  • Self-employment: Some lawyers decide to start their own law firm during their career. However, this requires a good reputation and experience in the industry as well as solid financing.
  • Switching to the judiciary: Some lawyers decide to switch to the judiciary during the course of their career and, for example, work as a judge or prosecutor.

It is important to note that the career path as a lawyer in Germany depends on many factors, such as personal performance, the area of ​​expertise, the size of the law firm or the region in which you work.

How much does a lawyer earn in Germany?

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The salary of a lawyer in Germany can vary greatly and depends on various factors, such as professional experience, the size and reputation of the law firm, the field in which you practice and the region in which you work.

According to a salary study by the German Lawyers' Association, the average gross annual salary of a lawyer in Germany was around 97,500 euros in 2020. However, the salary can vary greatly depending on the position. For example, an employed lawyer usually earns less than a partner in a large law firm.

The area of ​​expertise can also have a big impact on salary. For example, lawyers who specialize in complex tax or white-collar criminal matters can often charge higher fees than lawyers who specialize in general civil or family law.

It is important to note that attorney compensation information is based on averages only and that there are always variations and individual factors that can influence salary.

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