Strategies for succession planning and leadership development


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Good succession planning (according to HRM ) is of great importance for every company. It ensures that important positions in the company can also be filled in the future and that continuity is maintained. Good succession planning also makes it possible to identify potential successors at an early stage and provide them with targeted support. This allows companies to be successful in the long term and assert themselves against the competition.

Advantages of good succession planning

Good succession planning brings numerous advantages for companies and organizations. Here are some of the most important ones:

  1. Continuity of leadership: A well-planned succession plan ensures a seamless transition from the current management level to future managers. This minimizes the impact of a sudden departure of key people and ensures that the organization remains stable even during times of change.
  2. Preservation of company knowledge: The systematic preparation of successors makes it possible to preserve the knowledge and experience of departing employees within the company. This means that valuable knowledge and skills are not lost and can be passed on.
  3. Talent development and employee retention: Structured succession planning encourages employees to develop and improve their skills in order to be considered for higher positions. This increases employee retention as talent recognizes the potential for a successful career within the company.
  4. Reducing recruiting costs: External hiring for key positions can be expensive and carries the risk that the new hires may not be a good fit with the company culture. Such costs and risks can be reduced with internal succession planning.
  5. Strengthening employer branding: Organizations that have solid succession planning are considered attractive employers. This promotes the company's image as a place where employees are encouraged and supported, which in turn attracts highly qualified specialists.
  6. Flexibility and adaptability: By identifying young talent, the company can react quickly to changes in the corporate landscape. New challenges can be met more efficiently because potential leaders are already prepared.
  7. Motivation and performance improvement: Employees who know they have career opportunities within the company are often more motivated to work harder and perform better.
  8. Meeting governance requirements: In some companies, particularly listed companies, professional succession planning and governance policies are required by law. Meeting these requirements is crucial to avoid potential legal issues.

In summary, good succession planning helps to strengthen the potential and performance of a company by ensuring a clear and long-term strategic direction and ensuring that the best talent is promoted and retained in the organization.

The importance of leaders

Managers are the backbone of every company. You are responsible for implementing the corporate strategy and achieving corporate goals. A good manager is characterized by a clear vision, a high level of social skills and strong leadership skills. She motivates and inspires her employees and creates a positive work environment. Without good managers, a company cannot be successful in the long term.

What makes a good leader?

A good leader is characterized by a variety of characteristics and skills. Here are some important traits that make a good leader:

  1. Vision and strategic thinking: A good leader has a clear vision for the company or organization and can set long-term strategic goals. She thinks ahead and plans how these goals can be achieved.
  2. Communication: Effective communication is crucial to being a good leader. She can give clear instructions, listen, accept feedback and communicate her ideas and visions clearly.
  3. Integrity and trustworthiness: A good leader always acts with integrity and ethically. She keeps promises and inspires trust among her employees and team members.
  4. Motivation and inspiration: A manager should motivate and inspire his employees to do their best and work towards common goals. It creates a positive work culture and promotes commitment and enthusiasm.
  5. Team orientation: A good leader works well in a team and promotes collaboration and teamwork. She builds strong and effective teams and recognizes the strengths of each individual.
  6. Ability to delegate: A manager should be able to delegate responsibility and delegate tasks to the right people. This enables an efficient division of work and enables employees to develop further.
  7. Problem-solving skills: Leaders face challenges and problems. A good leader can analyze problems, find innovative solutions and make decisions that are in the best interest of the company.
  8. Empathy and social skills: Good leaders show empathy towards their employees, understand their needs and care about their well-being. You have social skills and can deal effectively with different personalities.
  9. Continuous development: A good leader strives to continuously develop himself. She is willing to accept feedback, learns from experience and looks for opportunities to improve her skills.
  10. Results Orientation: Ultimately, a good leader is results and performance oriented. She sets clear goals and ensures they are achieved by supporting and motivating her teams.

It is important to note that leadership is a dynamic trait and no fixed characteristics work equally well in all situations. A good leader adapts to challenges and continually develops to lead effectively and get the best out of their team.

Why are managers so important for a company?

Managers play a crucial role in a company and are of great importance for various reasons:

  1. Strategic Direction: Managers set the strategic direction of the company and establish long-term goals and visions. They determine the course and direction in which the company should develop.
  2. Implementation of goals: Managers are responsible for implementing company goals. You develop plans and strategies to achieve the set goals and lead the team in the desired direction.
  3. Motivation and employee leadership: Managers motivate and inspire their employees to give their best and commit themselves to the company. They create a positive work environment and promote employee engagement and satisfaction.
  4. Encourage teamwork: A good leader promotes teamwork and collaboration. She builds strong teams in which employees can work together effectively and use their individual strengths.
  5. Decision Making: Managers make important business decisions that impact the company. They analyze information, consider different perspectives, and make informed decisions to ensure the company's success.
  6. Employee development: Managers recognize the potential of their employees and promote them professional development . They offer training and development opportunities to improve employees' skills and competencies.
  7. Conflict resolution: Managers are responsible for managing conflicts and challenges within the team. They ensure a harmonious work environment and solve problems before they impact the company's performance.
  8. Representing the company externally: Managers represent the company externally, to customers, business partners, investors and the public. Their behavior and decisions affect the company's image and reputation.
  9. Promoting innovation: Managers promote innovation and support creative ideas in the company. You create a culture in which new approaches and solutions are encouraged.
  10. Company Growth: Through their ability to lead effectively and maximize the potential of the company and its employees, leaders help drive the company's growth and success.

In summary, managers are responsible for strategic direction, implementing goals, managing people, making decisions and much more. They have a significant impact on the performance and success of a company and play a central role in creating a positive corporate culture and an efficient organization.

The challenges of succession planning

Succession planning comes with some challenges. One of the biggest challenges is identifying potential successors at an early stage and supporting them in a targeted manner. There is often a lack of a clear strategy and a systematic approach. In order to overcome these challenges, it is important to develop a clear strategy and implement it consistently. Open communication and close cooperation between management and potential successors are also very important.

What difficulties can arise during succession planning?

Various difficulties and challenges can arise during succession planning, which can make it difficult to implement smoothly. Here are some common difficulties:

  1. Lack of candidate qualifications: It can be difficult to identify suitable internal candidates with the necessary skills, experience and qualifications to take on a management position. In some cases, companies need to specifically develop their young talent to prepare them for future challenges.
  2. Competition and turnover: Top talent within the company may be wooed by external offers or leave the company before they can be considered for promotion. This can impact succession planning and lead to gaps in talent retention.
  3. Lack of support from top management: Successful succession planning requires the full support of top management. If top management does not recognize the importance of succession planning or does not actively participate in it, it can reduce the effectiveness of the process.
  4. Lack of transparency and communication: Lack of clarity about the succession process and lack of communication about expectations and opportunities can lead to frustration and uncertainty among employees. This can lead to talented employees leaving the company to seek better opportunities elsewhere.
  5. Resistance to change: Employees already in certain positions may resist handing over their responsibilities to potential successors. This can hinder the smooth implementation of succession planning.
  6. Lack of flexibility: Future leadership requirements may change over time. Succession planning must be flexible enough to adapt to changing business needs.
  7. Time Challenges: Effective succession planning requires time and planning. If the company delays succession planning until shortly before a manager leaves, this can lead to unnecessary pressure and suboptimal decisions.
  8. Low diversity: Succession planning that does not pay attention to diversity and inclusion can lead to a lack of diversity in leadership positions. This can affect the company's ability to innovate and increase the risk of groupthink.

To overcome these difficulties, it is important to implement systematic and well-thought-out succession planning. Continuous identification and development of talent, clear communication about the succession process, and fostering a culture that supports learning and growth are critical to ensuring successful succession planning.

How can these challenges be overcome?

Overcoming succession planning challenges requires a careful approach and the implementation of effective strategies. Here are some approaches to overcome these challenges:

  1. Early identification and development of talent: Start identifying promising talent within the company early. Ensure that these talents are specifically developed and nurtured to develop the necessary skills and experience for future leadership positions.
  2. Implement Talent Management Programs: Establish structured talent management programs to support employee development. This can include training, mentoring, coaching and job rotations to facilitate talent progression.
  3. Open communication and transparency: Ensure the succession planning process is transparent and accessible to all employees. Clearly communicate the criteria and expectations for promotion and provide regular feedback to give employees a sense of security.
  4. Leadership development: Invest in the development of existing leaders to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively prepare and support their successors.
  5. Creating a Positive Company Culture: Foster a company culture that supports continuous learning and growth. This can increase employee motivation and encourage them to reach their full potential.
  6. Promote diversity and inclusion: Be active in promoting diversity and inclusion. Create an environment that values ​​and encourages diverse perspectives and experiences.
  7. Long-term planning: Start succession planning early and think long-term. This gives you enough time to adequately develop potential candidates and prepare them for future challenges.
  8. Involve top management: Ensure that top management actively supports and participates in succession planning. This sends a strong signal to all employees about the importance of the process.
  9. Flexibility and Adaptability: Keep an eye on changing business needs and adjust succession planning as necessary. Flexibility makes it possible to react to unforeseen situations.
  10. Benchmarking and best practices: Learn about best practices from other companies and use benchmarks to continually improve your succession planning.

By implementing these strategies, you can successfully address succession planning challenges and ensure the company is well-prepared to fill future leadership positions and achieve long-term success.

Strategies for successful succession planning


Successful succession planning requires a clear strategy and a systematic approach. First, the requirements for the successors should be defined. The next step is to identify potential successors and promote them in a targeted manner. External candidates should also be considered. Open communication and close cooperation between management and potential successors are of great importance. Clear succession planning and targeted preparation for taking on the position are also important.

How can succession planning be successfully implemented?

The successful implementation of succession planning requires a comprehensive and well-thought-out approach. Here are the steps and actions that will help ensure successful succession planning:

  1. Analysis of company goals: Start with a clear analysis of the long-term company goals and strategic direction. Define which management positions are particularly important for the success of the company and within what time frame a successor might be necessary.
  2. Identification of key positions: Identify the key positions in the company that require succession planning. Consider both current leaders who may leave in the foreseeable future as well as future needs due to growth or changes in the company.
  3. Talent identification: Identify potential internal candidates who have the potential to take on key positions. Consider not only current top performers, but also employees who show development potential and could be suitable for higher levels of responsibility.
  4. Talent development and promotion: Implement targeted talent development programs to specifically improve the skills and competencies of potential successors. Provide training, mentoring and coaching to strengthen their leadership skills.
  5. Establish Success Criteria: Define clear criteria and requirements that potential candidates must meet in order to be considered for promotion. This may include the required skills, experience, knowledge and personal characteristics.
  6. Assessment and Appraisal: Conduct regular performance reviews and potential assessments to monitor candidates' development and assess their suitability for future leadership positions.
  7. Mentoring and Coaching: Foster collaboration between current leaders and potential successors through mentoring and coaching programs. This allows valuable experiences and insights to be passed on.
  8. Implement a contingency plan: Develop a contingency plan in case an unforeseen gap in succession arises, such as a sudden resignation or unexpected termination.
  9. Top management support: Ensure that top management actively supports succession planning and is committed to its success. This underlines the importance of the process and encourages the participation of all levels of management.
  10. Ongoing review and adjustment: Succession planning should not be a static process. Regularly review the effectiveness of the plan and make adjustments as necessary to ensure it meets the current needs and goals of the business.

By systematically implementing these steps and continually cultivating succession planning, a company can ensure that it is well prepared to fill future leadership positions with qualified and talented internal candidates, ultimately helping to strengthen the organization and its success.

Which steps are important?

There are several steps that are important when implementing successful succession planning. These steps ensure that the process is thorough, structured and carried out effectively. Here are the important steps:

  1. Identify Key Positions: Determine the key positions in the company that require succession planning. This typically includes leadership positions at various levels that play a significant role in the success and strategic direction of the company.
  2. Analysis of current and future needs: Conduct a detailed analysis of current and future leadership needs. Consider the company's growth, possible expansion into new markets or business areas, and the possible departure of current executives.
  3. Identification of successor candidates: Identify potential internal candidates who have the potential to take on the key positions. Take into account the skills, experience, performance and development potential of the employees.
  4. Development and promotion of talent: Implement targeted development and support measures to strengthen the skills and competencies of successor candidates. This may include training, mentoring, coaching, job rotations, or special projects that further develop their leadership skills.
  5. Performance appraisal and potential assessment: Conduct regular performance appraisals and potential assessments to monitor the development of successor candidates and assess their suitability for leadership positions.
  6. Creation of individual development plans: Create individual development plans for each successor candidate that take into account their specific development needs and goals. These plans should be tailored to the needs of each individual candidate.
  7. Contingency planning: Develop a contingency plan in case a gap in succession planning arises, for example due to the sudden departure of a manager. This plan should provide alternative solutions to avoid disruption to business operations.
  8. Top management support: Ensure that top management actively supports succession planning and is committed to its success. Support from the top is crucial in emphasizing the importance of succession planning throughout the organization.
  9. Communication and transparency: Clearly communicate succession planning goals and processes to all employees. Make sure everyone involved understands how succession planning works and how it can impact their career opportunities.
  10. Ongoing review and adjustment: Succession planning should be reviewed regularly and adjusted as necessary to ensure that it meets the current needs of the company and is consistent with the business strategy.

By taking these steps carefully and systematically, an organization can ensure that it is well prepared to successfully fill future leadership positions and ensure its long-term stability and competitiveness.

The development of leaders

Leadership development is an important part of succession planning. There are various methods and instruments to develop managers. This includes, for example, training, coaching and mentoring programs. The targeted support of managers by management and their involvement in strategic projects can also contribute to development.

How can leaders be developed?

Leadership development is an important aspect of succession planning and talent management in companies. Here are some proven methods for developing leaders in a targeted manner:

  1. Training and development: Offer targeted training and development opportunities to strengthen employees' leadership skills. This may include formal training in communication, conflict resolution, time management, leadership and strategic thinking.
  2. Mentoring: Establish mentoring programs in which experienced managers pass on their knowledge and experience to junior employees. Mentoring provides valuable insight and support in developing leadership skills.
  3. Coaching: Offer individual coaching for aspiring managers. A coach can help identify personal strengths, improve areas of development, and develop specific leadership skills.
  4. Job rotations and project work: Enable managers to participate in job rotations or special project teams to expand their skills and gain practical experience in different areas of the company.
  5. 360-degree feedback: Conduct regular 360-degree feedback surveys to identify leadership development needs. This feedback from supervisors, employees and colleagues allows managers to better understand and improve their behavior and leadership skills.
  6. Self-reflection: Encourage leaders to self-reflect. This can be done through self-assessments, journaling, or regular conversations about their developmental experiences.
  7. Encourage Challenge: Offer leaders the opportunity to take on challenging projects or take ownership of specific initiatives. By overcoming challenges, they can further develop their leadership skills.
  8. Management development programs: Implement special management development programs that specifically support the development of managers. These programs may include various training courses, workshops and development tasks.
  9. Promote learning cultures: Create a culture that encourages continuous learning and development. Managers should be encouraged to acquire new knowledge and skills to keep pace with the changing needs of the business.
  10. Role model function of top management: Top management itself should act as a role model with regard to continuous development and learning. This sends a strong signal to all employees and encourages them to develop as well.

Through the targeted application of these development measures, managers can develop their potential, improve their skills and become effective, inspiring and innovative leaders. A well-developed manager can not only advance the company, but also contribute to employee retention and company success.

What methods and instruments are there?

There are a variety of methods and tools that are used in companies to develop managers. Here are some of the most common ones:

  1. Training and workshops: Training and workshops are a classic method for leadership development. They can cover a variety of topics including communication, leadership, conflict management, time management, strategic thinking, and much more.
  2. Mentoring and coaching: Mentoring and coaching programs provide individual support and guidance for managers. Experienced managers or external coaches can act as mentors to share their experiences and insights.
  3. 360-degree feedback: 360-degree feedback is a performance-oriented instrument in which feedback is collected about the manager from superiors, employees, colleagues and, if necessary, customers. This allows the manager to comprehensively assess their strengths and areas for development.
  4. Job rotations and project work: Job rotations allow managers to take on different positions and responsibilities within the company. By working on different projects, they can expand their skills and learn about different aspects of the company.
  5. Assessment centers: Assessment centers are structured assessment procedures in which managers have to demonstrate their skills and competencies in simulation exercises and role plays. These exercises help to identify your strengths and development potential.
  6. Development Centers: Development centers are special workshops or events where managers can improve their skills through exercises, feedback and reflection.
  7. Online learning platforms: There are numerous online learning platforms where managers can access training and learning materials. This allows them to learn at their own pace and focus on specific leadership aspects.
  8. Self-reflection and journaling: Managers can support their development through self-reflection and journaling. This enables them to record their experiences, challenges and learning processes and to continuously develop themselves further.
  9. Management development programs: Companies can create special management development programs that include a combination of different methods and instruments to specifically develop managers.
  10. Team projects and group work: Collaborating on team projects and group work promotes the development of leadership skills such as team leadership, conflict resolution and decision making.

The effective combination of these methods and instruments enables companies to develop their managers in a targeted manner and to provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead successfully and advance the company.

The role of mentoring and coaching

Mentoring and coaching are important tools for developing managers. During mentoring, an experienced mentor is assigned to a young manager to support him in developing his leadership skills. Coaching is about identifying individual strengths and weaknesses and specifically promoting them. Both instruments can help managers fully exploit their potential and operate successfully in the company.

What are mentoring and coaching?

Mentoring and coaching are two different approaches to supporting and developing employees or managers. Both methods aim to promote the person's individual growth and professional development, but differ in their approach and objectives.


Mentoring is an informal form of support in which an experienced and competent person, known as a mentor, passes on their knowledge, experiences and insights to a less experienced person, known as a mentee. The mentor acts as an advisor, coach and supporter and provides the mentee with advice. Mentoring relationships often develop on a personal level and can be long-term.

Goals of mentoring:

  • Exchange of knowledge and sharing of experiences
  • Support with career development and professional goals
  • Promote personal development and self-confidence
  • Assistance in overcoming professional challenges


Coaching is a structured form of support in which a coach supports a person, the so-called coachee, in achieving their professional and personal goals. Coaching often includes specific goals and steps to help the coachee improve in certain areas or overcome challenges. It is goal-oriented, time-limited and focuses on the development of concrete skills and competencies.

Goals of the coaching:

  • Improving specific skills or competencies
  • Solving challenges and obstacles
  • Achieving specific professional or personal goals
  • Develop an action plan for the coachee

So the main difference between mentoring and coaching is the relationship and the approach. Mentoring is based on an informal, often long-term relationship in which the mentor shares his knowledge and experiences, while coaching is a structured, goal-oriented relationship aimed at developing specific skills and achieving goals. However, both approaches can be valuable tools for promoting the development of employees and managers in a company.

The importance of feedback

  • Why is feedback important?
  • How can feedback be given?

Feedback is an important part of leadership development. It makes it possible to identify strengths and weaknesses and specifically promote them. Feedback can also be used to improve communication and strengthen the relationship of trust between managers and employees. Feedback should be given regularly and constructively. Positive aspects should also be emphasized.

Why is feedback important?

Feedback is important for various reasons and plays a crucial role in personal and professional development. Here are some reasons why feedback plays a significant role:

1. Improve Performance: Feedback allows a person to identify their strengths and areas for development. By receiving constructive feedback, she can improve her performance, work on her weaknesses, and further build on her strengths.

2. Increased self-reflection: Feedback promotes self-reflection. When a person receives feedback, they are encouraged to reflect on their behavior, decisions, and performance, and to become aware of how their behavior affects others.

3. Motivation and Engagement: Positive feedback can increase a person's motivation and engagement. Praise and recognition for good performance can help someone feel valued and motivated to continue doing good work.

4. Skill development: Feedback provides the opportunity to develop specific skills and competencies. By receiving feedback on specific aspects of their work, a person can work specifically on improving those skills.

5. Promote learning and growth: Feedback is an essential part of the learning process. It allows a person to learn from experiences, overcome challenges and continually grow.

6. Improve relationships: Feedback promotes open communication between people. When feedback is given respectfully and constructively, it can strengthen trust and relationships between people.

7. Conflict management: Feedback can help identify and manage conflicts. Open and honest feedback makes it possible to clarify misunderstandings and find solutions together.

8. Adapt to Change: Feedback can help adapt to changing circumstances. It allows a person to rethink their behavior and approach and adapt to new demands.

9. Improve overall performance: By regularly receiving and responding to feedback, a person can improve their overall performance and effectiveness.

Feedback is a valuable source of information that allows a person to continually develop, overcome challenges and achieve their potential. It is an important component for personal growth, professional development and success in various areas of life.

How can feedback be given?

Feedback should be given in a way that is constructive, helpful and respectful in order to promote the person's potential without demotivating them. Here are some best practices for giving feedback effectively:

1. Choose a time: Choose an appropriate time to give the feedback. Avoid putting feedback in emotional Avoid stressful situations and look for a quiet, appropriate moment to have the conversation.

2. Specific observations: Base feedback on concrete observations and facts. Describe the observed behavior or performance objectively, without making assumptions or judgments.

3. Avoiding accusations: Avoid framing feedback as an accusation or personal attack. Stay objective and focus on the behavior or performance, not the person.

4. Use I-messages: Use I-messages to describe your own feelings and reactions. This makes the feedback more subjective and less accusatory.

5. Include positive feedback: Incorporate positive feedback into the conversation to also recognize strengths and good performance. A balanced mix of positive and constructive feedback can be more motivating.

6. Set SMART goals: When addressing development needs, suggest specific, achievable goals. SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals help the person focus on their development areas.

7. Ask open-ended questions: Ask open-ended questions to get the person's perspective and encourage them to reflect on their own performance.

8. Active listening: Listen actively and show understanding of the person's perspective. Demonstrate empathy and take their opinions seriously.

9. Give feedback, not judge: Feedback should aim to provide information and advice, not judge or evaluate the person.

10. Clarity and Consistency: Be clear and consistent in your message. Avoid giving contradictory feedback.

11. Arrange a follow-up: Arrange a follow-up meeting to review progress and provide further support.

Remember that feedback is an opportunity for growth and improvement. By giving feedback with care and respect, you can help increase the person's potential and performance and promote a positive working relationship.

The role of continuing education and training

Training and further education are an important part of leadership development. They enable you to acquire new skills and competencies and expand your own knowledge. Networking with other managers and the exchange of experiences can also be promoted through training and further education. There are various options for completing training and further education, such as seminars, workshops or online courses.

How can training and further education contribute to the development of managers?

Training and education play an essential role in the development of managers and can help improve their skills, abilities and performance in a variety of ways:

  1. Development of leadership skills: Training and further education provide managers with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively fulfill their leadership role. These include communication skills, conflict management, team leadership, decision making and strategic thinking.
  2. Improving people management: Training helps managers improve their people management. You will learn how to motivate your employees, support them, give feedback and promote their potential.
  3. Expanding expertise: Continuing education offers managers the opportunity to deepen their expertise in their field and stay up to date with the latest developments and best practices.
  4. Change management: Training can help managers effectively manage changes in the company and support employees during upheavals.
  5. Adapting to new challenges: Training enables managers to adapt to new challenges and tasks. This is especially important as the company grows, new projects are launched, or business strategy changes.
  6. Conflict resolution: Managers learn conflict resolution techniques in training courses that help reduce tensions within the team and create a positive work atmosphere.
  7. Preparation for higher levels of responsibility: Further training prepares managers for higher levels of responsibility. You will learn to deal with more complex challenges and decisions that come with more advanced positions.
  8. Network building: Training also offers the opportunity to make new contacts and exchange ideas with other managers. Building a professional network can be valuable for learning from others' experiences and potentially discovering new business opportunities.
  9. Promote the learning climate: When managers invest in further training, they send a signal to their employees that lifelong learning and development are important. This can promote a corporate culture that is conducive to learning.
  10. Employee retention: Investing in leadership development shows employees that the company is interested in their professional development. This can help with employee retention and retain talent within the company.

In summary, training and development help managers improve their skills, respond better to challenges, lead their employees more effectively and promote the long-term success of the company.

What are the options?

There are a variety of ways to offer leadership development training and education. Here are some of the most common options:

  1. External training and seminars: Companies can send their managers to external training and seminars offered by subject matter experts or training institutes. These events can cover a wide range of leadership topics and provide leaders with the opportunity to network with other participants from different companies.
  2. In-house training: Companies can conduct internal training and workshops that are specifically tailored to the needs of managers. These trainings can be delivered by internal experts or external trainers and focus on specific leadership topics or skills.
  3. Coaching and mentoring: Individual coaching and mentoring are tailor-made approaches to specifically develop managers. An experienced coach or mentor can support a manager in achieving their individual development goals and improving their performance.
  4. Online Learning Platforms: There are many online learning platforms that cover a variety of leadership topics. Managers can access these platforms for self-directed training and to expand their knowledge and skills.
  5. Workshops and development centers: Companies can organize workshops and development centers where leaders can work interactively on case studies, exercises and simulations to develop their leadership skills.
  6. Job rotations and project work: Managers can expand their experience and develop their leadership skills in different contexts through job rotations or special project work.
  7. Management development programs: Companies can set up special management development programs that include various training and development activities to specifically develop managers.
  8. Conferences and Networking Events: Attending conferences and networking events allows leaders to learn from renowned speakers, gain new perspectives, and network with other leaders.
  9. Team coaching: In some cases, team coaching can also be helpful to develop the leadership team as a whole and strengthen team dynamics.
  10. Succession planning as a development measure: Involving managers in the succession planning process can also be a way to promote their development and prepare them for future challenges.

The combination of different opportunities can ensure comprehensive and versatile development of managers, ensuring that they have the necessary skills and competencies to successfully lead the company and effectively manage their teams.


Successful succession planning and leadership development are crucial to the long-term success of a company. A clear strategy, targeted support of potential successors and the development of managers through training, coaching and mentoring programs are important steps in achieving these goals. Open communication and regular feedback are also very important. Companies should therefore start succession planning and leadership development early on and implement these consistently.

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